Textual Analysis: Prison Break
Prison Break is an American television serial drama created by Paul Scheuring, that was broadcast on 'Fox' for four seasons, with 81 individual episodes from between August 29, 2005 to May 15, 2009, and a newly released fifth season which aired from April 4, to May 30, 2017.This drama had been produced as an entertainment feature used to please viewers who were interested in its plot etc.Its target audience were mainly young teenagers up-to young adults,anywhere between the ages of 16-26. Although it was originally aired on television on the channel 'Fox' it can now be viewed upon many video sharing sites such as Netflix etc.
This drama had main genres plus sub-genres implemented into its production. It was a mix of a serial drama,crime drama and action thriller.These sub-genres are extremely accepted among young adults because they find it easy to contemplate with what is going on even in their lives.
As found in many other television dramas, racially black people were were displayed as being far more superior than the white race.Even though, there are not many examples of disputes between the two races in the drama, viewers can clearly see that the black people 'control' the prison in which they are caged upon.As this drama had been located in america,many aspects of the american country had been displayed. We see how corrupt the justice system is within the drama,giving us all the impression on how america is in,at the moment in reality.As far as the term 'value' stretches,we don't get to see much of it in this drama. Instead we have to infer with what is going on. The audience begin to understand that there are many racial undertones within the drama and that also brotherhood is extremely loved.
Some relevant points on representation and genre, but nothing explicit on narrative,and few examples. Much too brief. V